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Product Photo of ESLTS-RGS-TBS-Series - Emergi-Lite/Lumacell ESLTS/RGS-TBS LED MR16 T-Bar Battery Unit

Description: Emergi-Lite/Lumacell new LED MR16 T-Bar unit for emergency lighting. Units mount quickly and easily in standard 2' x 2' or 2' x 4' grids without any additional hardware. Battery included. Available only in 12Volt 36Watt and 12Volt 72Watt.

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Availability: Not Available 

Product Specifications

ELS Web Item Number: ESLTS-RGS-TBS-Series
Manufacturer Product Code: ESLTS-RGS-TBS-Series
Brand: Emergi-Lite/Lumacell
Weight: 0.00 kg
Technical Specs: ESLTS  RGSTBS
Output Voltage: 12V